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Re: The rain in Spain etc

 > From: "http://www.juno.com/~w1few"; <http://www.juno.com/~w1few>
 > Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 16:06:23 GMT
 > By the way, how are you dealing with the RAIN?  

Fine, so far.  No roof leaks seen yet.  And, surprisingly, the car hasn't
been acting up.  Speaking of which...

I checked the fuse for the cruise control.  The User's Manual was useless,
but a web site said that one of the fuses is shared by the cruise control
and something else.  I checked out that fuse and it seemed dandy.  So, I
don't think the fuse is the problem.  The web site said that VW has a
special device they use for diagnosing the cruise control.  Undoubtedly,
that is an expensive proposition.

Did you Noelle tell you that the radiator is unservicable and enclosed?
You cannot even add coolant.  So, it's doubtful that the smell is radiator
problems.  (I seem to recall that the User's Manual said that if the
engine is overheating, that can be an indication of radiator problems.
The engine's temperature is fine.)

 > D

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